and Support
A team located
in every continent
We also have a team of engineers located in every continent that can be deployed wherever you need them to solve any problem that you company might have. No matter how big or small your repair needs are ZGA Engineering Team will reduce time & cost to put you again in the AIR.

We can be your eyes, ears, hands and above all your brains when repairing your engines. Our engineers are located in every continent and specialize in every mayor jet engine. We have the know-how and resources to audit and deliver your engine back in a timely and costly manner. Pratt & Whitney: JT8D; JT9D; PW2000; PW4000; PW6000 CFM: CFM56-2: CFM56-3; CFM56-5A; CFM56-5B; CFM56-5C; CFM56-7B GE Family: CF6/50/80;CF34 Series GE90 IAE: V2500. Rolls-Royce:RB211 Family Trent800; Trent700; Trent500, TAY650/620. Allison AE3007, 501D Family.PWC: PW121/PW123/PW124/PW127,
Aircraft Check
and C-Check
Modern aviation maintenance is divided into four checks: A; B; C; and D checks. These checks are carried out at predetermined times based on the number of flight cycles (landings and take-offs) or flight time.
From a single part
number to complete
aircraft management.
ZGA offers a vast inventory of new and refurbished airframes, engines, gears & APU parts for virtually every commercial aircraft type.